Thursday, May 31, 2007

Accio Books!

I have one of those I Google sites where I collect feeds and read them. I read The Shifted Librarian, Tame The Web, The Annoyed Librarian, The Blue Skunk Blog, Not Your Mother's Bookclub, Bookburger, and John Green's Weblog. For this class I am adding the Laughing Librarian, The Library Avengers and the St. Joe County Public Library. I love watching St. Joe and seeing what they are going to come up with next. They seem to be on the forefront of technology.

I also love I Google. I have my little Google Gadgets page so I can keep up with Unshelved and HomeStar Runner. I also like playing Ms. Pacman. They have those new themes that change as the area you live in changes. Soooo cool! Oh yea, on my Yahoo page I like to read Shelftalker from Publisher's Weekly and I, almost religiously, follow Brotherhood 2.0. One of the brothers wrote Looking for Alaska and An Abundance of Katherines (John Green) two must reads if you work in Middle/High School or serve Young Adults.