Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Library Videos???!!! Cool!

Good reads on LISNews yesterday. Librarians of the future and Thomson Gale put up five library promotion videos for the public to vote on. The winners and the library each get $5,000!

Brian S. Matthews article, The Inevitable Gen X Coup was interesting... He talked about ways the role of the librarian should be changing. Not just because the world and how we interact with it is changing, but also because librarians are changing. It's not just about promoting reading and cataloguing books. Matthews says he "much more interested in what a person can DO at the library..." I think we should all be interested in that. In a school system it becomes even more critical. We have computers that are overly filtered. We want students to be safe but you can't do that by blocking all sites. We need to teach them how to evaluate, not only web sites, but all media. They need to look at what the Center for Media Literacy calls "the five key questions".
1. Who created the message?
2. What techniques are used to attract my attention?
3. How might different people understand this message differently from me?
4. What lifestyles, values, and points of view are represented in, or omitted from, this message? 5. Why was this message sent?

As students look at technology and media with critical eyes, they will learn to use these resources wisely, as tools, not as an end within themselves. We librarians will also be able to embrace the 2.0 technologies (hopefully before they become 3.0) and reach students where they are as we help them open doors to where they can go.

Check out the Library Videos at www.gale.com/librareo and get your vote in!

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