I loved Marla the therapist. She was believable and interesting. That said...this book felt so contrived. I disliked the main character and did not care what happened to him. He was very egotistical and unbelievable. Everything went right for him. I couldn't believe that he would get the girl, I couldn't believe that Rudy would change. I don't understand why Dallas and Rudy had the backgrounds that they did. There was no preparation for any of that. I read 182 p. without any connection. The only reason I finished the book was because it was a book club book.
I wonder if I didn't like this book because of the books I read right before this: Crooked Kind of Perfect, The Opposite of Invisible, Book Thief...maybe these books biased me. As of today though, I didn't like this book. I gave it two stars because we did have a good discussion about it!
Posted: Goodreads, Librarything, Myspace
ok well diagree totally. The backgrounds that Dallas, Ben, and Cody had was perfect for the book because that can be a real life situation for anyone! This book was most definitaly the best book i have ever read! And also he didnt get everything??!!!! He is dying for peed sakes!