Friday, November 28, 2008

100 Books?

Can I read a hundred books before the year is over? I've almost finished number 90 - Gone by Michael Grant. My original goal was 50 and I'm proud of that. But can I reach 100? That would be so cool! :)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Buying Books

I gotta stop doing it. As a librarian and as a single mom. I spend way too much money on books. I should get them from the library or friends. I have books that I haven't read yet. I should read them. I am giving up buying books, unless needed for class or a lesson, for one year. I will keep you informed.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Today I stood in the shower and cried. Barack Obama is the president of the United States of America. When it happened last night I was too stunned to feel anything. I just could not believe it was true. I waited for the other shoe to drop. Barack Obama is the president. I know it's not about race, but for those of us who've been pulled over by the police, followed in the store, passed by because they could not possibly be the one in charge, looked at as the authority on everything African American just because you're African is simply amazing. Barack Obama is the president.

Hope. I'd given up on some dreams, thinking they were out of my reach. No more. Barack Obama is the president. Yes, We Can he said and Yes, We Did.

And, yes, I can!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Cybils NFMGYA Nominations

Here's a link to the nominations for NonFiction Middle Grade/YA books on the CYBILS

I've received some of these books from the publisher. I'm really enjoying this new experience. I only wish I didn't also have to do my homework!