I scored at the library today. 2 adult books, 4 YA books, 2 MG books, and 2 Graphic Novels. It was so awesome! Here's what's on the reading list:
- The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry
- Dogface by Jeff Garigliano
- What I Saw and How I Lied by Judy Blundell
- Big Fat Manifesto by Susan Vaught
- Impossible by Nancy Werlin
- Does my Head Look Big In This by Randa Abdel-Fattah
- Alcatraz and the Scrivener's Bones by Brandon Sanderson
- The Graveyard by Neil Gaiman
- Skim by Mariko Tomaki
- Into the Volcano by Don Wood
I am so excited. I don't even know which to start with. Probably Impossible because that might be on the Printz list. I do hope Little Brother gets the award though. Every student I've given it to has praised it. I found both Graveyard and Into the Volcano in the Children's section which surprised me. I'll do the Gaiman next to see if he'll be up for the Newbery.
I'm not that hot about the awards though after I read the White Darkness, last year's Printz. I had a hard time finishing that book and no matter how I try to promote, it doesn't get a good review. Anywho, award programs are a post for a different day.
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