Sunday, February 15, 2009

In My Mailbox - February 15

This week I recieved quite a few books. Check out The Story Siren here if you need more reading ideas!

Books I bought:

Storm: The Infinity Code by E.L. Young

I like action and adventure books. EL Young is a science writer and uses real life situations to write her books. I'm always on the lookout for good books for MGers.

Eon: Dragoneye Reborn by Alison Goodman

Look at that cover! How could I NOT buy it? (That's a litote by the way!) I'm becoming a real fantasy lover as I get more into what the students like to read. I'm always on the lookout for something that's well-written and student friendly. Plus, look at that cover!!

Love is a Mix Tape by Rob Sheffield

This grown-up book was on a list from Flashlight Worthy Books. It sounded good so I put it on my to-read list. Then we found it at Plato's Closet, a used clothing store for teens, and it was only $4.00! I had to get it.

Books I borrowed:

The Boy In the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne

This one I'm reading for work. We are looking at a variety of books to use when the 8th graders study The Holocaust.

Samurai Shortstop by Alan Gratz

This is another book I'm reading for work. 7th graders study Ancient Japan and one of the teachers like to integrate trade books to give students a better insight into the time period. This one has a killer beginning and Gratz relays his study of Japan and baseball in the author notes.

Dragon Heir by Cinda Williams Chima

I've read both The Warrior Heir and The Wizard Heir and look forward to this final book in the trilogy. I think each book can stand on it's own too! We are reading The Wizard Heir in my 6th Grade Book Discussion Group.

The ABC's of Kissing Boys by Tina Ferraro

Over the summer we picked 6 or so "summer reads" for our book club. One of the books was Ferraro's How to Hook a Hottie. We all then read The Top Ten Uses For an Unworn Prom Dress even though it wasn't on the list. One of the students received an ARC of this book and she's letting me read it now. You can check out Ferraro's blog here. I must say the titles aren't my favorite. It is truly embarrasing to have to ask for these when you're my age! That said - they're good reads!!

Books I begged for:

Confetti Girl by Diana Lopez

I received this ARC from Little, Brown on Facebook. It was delivered within 2 days of my request!!! It has two of my favorite things: a sock lover and a book lover! I look forward to diving into this one.

Poppy and Ereth by Avi

I received this ARC from HarperCollins Children's Books FirstLook program. It's the last book in the series. Avi is featured in a the 7th Grade LA textbook. I'm hoping this book will be a good supplement to the student's reading. Also, I couldn't find a cover at my regular source and this one is from HarperCollins, that's why it looks different.

Well, that's what I've added to the To Be Read (TBR) pile this week. Some will go straight to the top, some I'm not sure when I'll get to them, but all I'm excited to receive!

So, what's in your mailbox?


  1. Love is a Mix Tape looks like a good read. It's been on my wishlist for ages.

  2. I got ABC's in the mail a few weeks ago and it looks cute so I can't wait to begin!

  3. You had a great week. I love the title of Love is a Mixed Tape, it sounds amazing and I have to put it in my "check it out" list. The ABC's also looks to be very cute.

  4. I loved The Warrior Heir, but haven't read the other two yet.

    If you haven't already read Striped Pyjamas, I hope you like it!

  5. I really want to read ABC's. If I like How to Hook a Hottie it'll be on my next Amazon spend.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Added your blog to my blog roll. Glad I found my way here.

    I run a community library at a local nonprofit. I'm a volunteer, though. Like you, I dream of living my passion full-time. In the meantime, I run the library, a lit study group for teens and young women (meeting with residents of the shelter tonight).

    Please check our Color Online. We're currently running two special contests and 1 monthly lit quiz. Chance to win free books and Amazon gift certificates. Check our Prize Bucket to see what kinds of books we offer.

    BES is my personal blog stop there, too, if you can. Thanks.

  8. I read and enjoyed Does My Head Look Big in This by Randa Abdel-Fattah. We have it in our library and it's part of Prize Bucket at Color Online.

  9. The ABCs of Kissing Boys is really cute. It was the first book I read by Ferraro, but I hope I can get more soon.


  10. You had a really good week. Love is a Mixtape is one I have been meaning to read for a while.


Thanks for chatting! I love comments and look forward to reading yours! I may not reply right away, but I am listening! Keep reading and don't forget to be awesome!