Sunday, March 29, 2009

In My Mailbox - March 29

This insight into my mailbox is brought to you courtesy of the Story Siren. Check out her blog for more books to add to your TBR pile!

Books I Bought:

City of Glass by Cassandra Clare


Although not the best books I've ever read, the Mortal Instrument series by Cassandra Clare, are entertaining. I borrowed the first two from the library but we didn't have City of Glass and I wont get it till sometime late in April. So I bought this one. And read it in two days. I still love Simon.

Pure by Terra Elan McVoy


WORD bookstore is hosting YA Not - Introducing a new event series at WORD: YA NOT? A literary salon for not-so-young adults. This series seeks to bring YA writers, editors, librarians, teachers, and other not-so-young adults who love teen fiction all together to talk about fantastic YA books, why we love them, and how we can spread them as far as possible. (Teens welcome too, of course!) I dont actually live in Brooklyn but thought I'd read the books they are talking about as part of my own personal bookclub. Follow the events on Facebook.

Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson


I love LHA! Each book I read brings new insights. The only problem I'm having is I brought this to school and one of the students "borrowed" it when I wasn't looking. I won't see her again until Tuesday! She will pay!

Evermore by Alyson Noel


I love the cover of this one. Unfortunately also borrowed from me!

Death Run by Jack Higgins


I loved Sure Fire. One of the 7th grade students gave a book talk on it and I bought it and read it right away. I just donated it to the library. Saw this one and bought. I will be reading it soon.

The Kayla Chronicles by Sherri Winston


The cover is very eye-catching. It also goes along with my personal multicultural challenge, which I'm doing well on.

Books I begged for:

The Chosen One by Carol Lynch Williams (ARC)
pub. date - May 2009


I requested this one because the girl, Kyra, visits the book mobile, or Mobile Library on Wheels. When I was a kid, that's how I got my books. It was so awesome. It's part of the reason I became a librarian.

Say the Word by Jeannine Garsee


I actually won this one from Laura from Laura's Review Bookshelf. Love the cover and look forward to reading. BTW, she also included chocolate truffles. Enter her contests, they are worth it.

Books I Borrowed:
I bought these for our school library as two series I think boys might be interested in. The Ordinary Boy series appears to be for middle grades and the Young Samurai is YA. I took them home to read and then I will give them to specific boys to see what they think.

The Extraordinary Adventures of Ordinary Boy by William Boniface


The first book is actually called The Hero Revealed. There are 3 books in the series so far and we own the first two. When I place my April order, I will order the third one. I hope to have them all read by summer.

Young Samurai: The Way of the Warrior by Chris Bradford


That cover is super fantastic! I think this book would also be a welcome addition to 7th grade Social Studies when they study early Japan.

Well, that's all I have. A good week but now I need to get reading!

What's in your mailbox?


  1. Wow what great books...City of Glass is the best book ever!! Wintergirls is very good as is Evermore, not what I expected, but a remarkable read.

  2. oh wow! what an awesome book week! lots of great books! can't wait to see what you think of them all!! happy reading!


Thanks for chatting! I love comments and look forward to reading yours! I may not reply right away, but I am listening! Keep reading and don't forget to be awesome!