Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Waiting on Wednesday - Because I am Furniture by Thalia Chaltas

Waiting on Wednesday comes to you courtesy of Breaking the Spine. One of the books I'm eagerly awaiting is

Because I am Furniture
Thalia Chaltas
Pub Date: April 16, 2009


Two reasons I want this book: 1 - Cool cover and 2 - the title totally reminds me of I am the Wallpaper by Mark Peter Hughes and it would be cool to have furniture and wallpaper...I know, it sounds crazy...

Here's a review from Publisher's Weekly:
Chaltas's novel of poems marks an intensely powerful debut. Anke and her older siblings, Darren and Yaicha, may appear typical teenagers in public, but their home life is dominated by their father. Though he is verbally, physically and sexually abusive to her brother and sister, Anke seems beyond his notice (“with a sick/ acidic/ burbling/ bile/ i want what they have/ as horrible/ curdling/ vile/ as it is/ darren and yaicha/ get more/ than/ me”). The distance between the family members—separated by their silence—is palpable, as is Anke's growing sense of strength, partly due to her participation in volleyball at school (“My lungs are claiming expanding territory./ This is my voice./ This is MY BALL”). Though the pace is quick, tension builds slowly, almost agonizingly, as acts of abuse collect (a large bruise glimpsed on Darren's torso, muffled sounds from Yaicha's room that can't be tuned out). Readers will recognize the inevitability of an explosive confrontation, but the particulars will still shock. Incendiary, devastating, yet—in total—offering empowerment and hope, Chaltas's poems leave an indelible mark.

Now doesn't that make you want to read it!!??! I swear, my Spring Break list is gonna be so long I'm not gonna get ANY cleaning done!!

What's in your mailbox?

1 comment:

  1. This book sounds pretty good. I totally agree, my spring break reading list is just getting longer and longer! I'm going to have like a stack of 10 books with me.


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