Sunday, April 19, 2009

In My Mailbox - April 19

This, thankfully, was a slow week. I picked up some books from the library, received some books for a blog tour, and mooched a book. IMM is brought to you courtesy of The Story Siren. Check out her blog for more reads to add to your pile!

I didn't buy any books this week! Yeah! But I wanted to. It was very hard to resist!



King of the Screwups by KL Going
- this was one of my WOW reads!
This is What I want to Tell You by Heather Duffy Stone - looked good
Fragile Eternity by Melissa Marr - another WOW read! And it doesnt officially come out until Tuesday!

Blog Tour:

I will be hosting a Blog Tour during the Week of May 4 - May 8 in honor of Mother's Day. The tour is courtesy of Waterbrook Multnomah - a division of Random House.

Dear Mom by Melody Carlson - I love Carlson's Diary of a Teenage Girl Series
Mama's Got a Fake I.D. by Caryn Dahlstrand Rivadeneira - This book helps you uncover the true you beyond being a mom.

Book mooched:


Marcelo in the Real World by Francisco X Stork
I've heard so many wonderful things about this book. I know I won't get to it anytime soon, but at least I will have it when I am ready!

That's what I'm adding to the pile. Course, I've already read King of the Screwups by KL Going for the Read-A-Thon. So that's one less book to read. Dont forget to stop by for my reviews and the blog tour.


  1. I've heard good things about Marcelo - I hope you enjoy it when you get around to it :)

  2. Good for you. Exercising restraint is a hard. Looks like a good week.

  3. You are very lucky to get Fragile Eternity!

  4. Fragile Eternity looks REALLY good I want to read it!!

    Hope you have a great reading week!

    Wdebo :)

  5. Awesome week, looking forward to your reviews.


Thanks for chatting! I love comments and look forward to reading yours! I may not reply right away, but I am listening! Keep reading and don't forget to be awesome!