Sunday, April 19, 2009

Read A Thon April 2009 - Update 8

Went to take a nap at around 4:30 am and didn't get back up until 8:30 this morning!!!!! So, I read more of King of the Screwups by KL Going. Liam has been trying to pretend that he's a nerd but he is way too dumb. I love how Going has integrated flashbacks of Liam as a kid so that we can understand why he's the way he is now. I'm trying to understand how Pete and Allan could be brothers and be so very different.

Title of book(s) read since last update:

Still working on King of the Screwups

Number of books read since you started: 3
Pages read since last update: 38
Running total of pages read since you started: 1100
Amount of time spent reading since last update: 39 min
Running total of time spent reading since you started: (keep track of this one to be eligible for a prize!) 11 hrs 20 min
Mini-challenges completed: 7?
Other participants you’ve visited: all who hosted mini challenges plus 1
Prize you’ve won: none

That was so much fun. I know now NOT to take a nap with only four hours left and NOT to read in bed because it makes you tired. I look forward to the October Read A Thon!

Next time I might even try having this as a school fundraiser library/overnighter type thing. We could have different activities like Guitar Hero, Dance Dance Revolution, etc. Money could be raised for the library to help with our remodeling fund. Hmmm...


  1. You did a great job! Congratulations!

    p.s. I'm giving you an award - you can stop by my blog tomorrow and see. =)

  2. I just read The Garden of Eve by KL Going and really enjoyed it! Hope this book is good, too! Congrats on accomplishing so much!

  3. Wow, sounds like you've come up with some fun ideas for the next time around. I'm so inspired by all of you as I dropped in to cheer, that I really must cheer AND read next time! :)

  4. Having a read-a-thon has a library fundraiser sounds like a great idea. I've heard of organizations doing that too. Your did great. Have a good week.

  5. This sounds like such fun - I so wish I was doing the read-a-thon too!! But I'm still trying to get out from under these deadlines of mine ...

  6. Kudos to you! I enjoyed checking on a few of my friends' progress.


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