Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday Five - June 12

Happy Friday! I'm sorta kinda but not really finished at work this week. I still have to type up my report and clean things up. I've decided to go in when the Amazing Dancer girl goes to visit her cousins for a week! Let's get right to it shall we?

1. Viola in Reel Life by Adriana Trigiani - last week I raved that I wanted to read this because it's set in my present hometown. Guess what? HarperTeen sent me an ARC! I received and read it all last night. I loved it. Look for my review during the Bloggiesta! What is the Bloggiesta?

2. Bloggiesta - @mawbooks will be hosting a bloggiesta next weekend. This is to give us bloggers the chance to catch up on blog-related items - reviews, interviews, backup posts, feature fixes, icon making, any blog items that you are behind on really. Personally, I need to work on reviews, fix some slow-loading problems, get some interview questions together, find out what happened to my favicon, etc. You can do anything except read! Sign up if you're interested.

3. I Heart Daily - i love this newsletter. They introduced me to Fred Flare where I got a cool LIBRARIAN pin. Please sign up. Cute and cool. Just like me. j/k

4. Audiobooks - getting my HP fix by listening to HP and the Deathly Hallows. Been awhile since I read this one. Wish it was on Itunes so I could put it on my Itouch. Harder to remember to bring the CDs with me but well worth the effort!

5. National Give a Girlfriend A Book Day - a group of authors and others on Facebook are sponsoring this day. Not only are you encouraged to give a book to someone but you can join the group and win a book. Check them out and answer the question: Which story have you loved that a girlfriend might love?

Bonus: Answer the question here and be entered for a chance to win Shannon Hale's new book - The Actor and The Housewife. This book made me laugh and cry. I read it in two nights - staying up way later than I should have but it was hard to put down. When I finished, I just wanted to read it again! I'll give you until 11:59 pm, June 14th to enter! 1 entry per person. US Residents only. Not a lot of time so enter now! Contest Extended until 11:59pm June 15th!!

1 comment:

  1. Nice stuff! I'm glad you have the time and energy to find and share all this!!!


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