Wings by Jason Lethcoe
Pgs: 63 (glossary and excerpt inc)
35 min to finish from last post
Story of Edward MacLeod who goes to Foundry school, school for misfits who can't survive anywhere else. Edward's there because his mom died and he was sent there. He's 6 1/2 ft tall and has an itch he can't scratch. Turns out he's a specially powerful Guardian. Interesting but a little confusing. Too much jumping around. The glossary in the back should have been in the front because it really helped. Book 2, Flight, sounds promising, will have to remember to pick it up from library.
Book Challenge Time:
Books: 3
Pgs: 832
Time: 14hr 30m
Death Run by Jack Higgins
pgs: 62 to end
Time: 50m from last post
Not as good as Sure Fire. Lot more draggy. Jade's character was a real...didn't really care for her this time around. The coincidences piled up in this one and I had a hard time suspending disbelief. I'm sure I'll read the next one, Sharp Shot, but will get it from library instead of buying.
Book Challenge Time:
Books: 4
Pgs: 894
Time: 15hr 20m
This weekend I'm participating in the 48 hr. Book Challenge. I didn't set a goal as this is my first challenge. I only commit to buying a book for Color Online's Summer Book Drive for each book I finish. So far I owe them four books. Feel free to match my donations!
It's been tough for me, this challenge. I can't seem to get "into" any book. I keep stopping and starting or just thumbing through my piles of book or looking at past posts trying to decide what to read next. I have a few blog tours coming up that I could read for but suddenly none of those are pulling at my senses. What do you do when in a slump?
The challenge will finish at 8 pm EST for me, about 6 1/2 more hours. That can be one mid sized book or two short books. Not sure which to go for: something off my summer reads list or something off my book tour list or some random book pulled out of a hat? WWYD?
Anyway, that's my Sunday Salon for today. I need to read and do chores but will prolly just nap. Also have lots of homework to do and grocery shopping...::heavy sigh::...what's wrong with me?
PS: Total time is 16h 15m (reading/reviewing/networking) and 4 books.
Thanks for the review of the Higgins book, for some reason I've never felt the urge to read one. But I do want to check out Robert Parker's YA book.
ReplyDeleteI read Wings a while ago and felt like it *just* got started when it ended. A bit frustrating.
ReplyDeleteDoret: Which books? I read the first Higgins because a student rec it.
ReplyDeleteStacy: You are right. It was finally starting to gel and then it was over.
Thanks, KB. Promoting us and donating. I can't thank you enough. Wings looks good. I'm concerned that if you found it confusing, our readers won't stick with it. I'll wait to see what you think of book 2.