This post covers two weeks. I'm living for August 10th, when things will get back on schedule!
Last week The Amazing Dancer and I went to Anderson's Bookshop in Naperville, IL to meet Sarah Dessen and Laurie Halse Anderson. We had Along for the Ride and Wintergirls signed by them. We listened to them talk about why they wrote these specific books (paraphrased):
Sarah Dessen on Along For the Ride - "I hadn't planned on writing another book a year after Lock and Key. Being home with the baby and watching my husband and his friends on the bike jump in our backyard inspired me." This has to be Dessen's best work so far, the inspiration she feels is evident.

We all walked out with "new" books and the Chicas also received some swag from @LisaMantchev! They signed up to read @MichelleZink's Prophecy of the Sisters and can't wait to get together again!
Laurie Halse Anderson on Wintergirls - "I didn't want to write a book about eating disorders. Women already have too many hangups about their weight. I have my own body image issues. But, I received many letters and emails requesting a book on the subject so after extensive research, here it is." The realism is Wintergirls was very emotionally draining!
The ladies also talked about their writing processes, what's a good age to get published, and which of their books they would like to make into a sequel. Very good talk.
Review of Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen
Review of Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson
This past week I got together with some students to trade books and talk about Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Mantchev. 6 people showed up but only 4 wanted to be in the picture!

We all walked out with "new" books and the Chicas also received some swag from @LisaMantchev! They signed up to read @MichelleZink's Prophecy of the Sisters and can't wait to get together again!
PPS - our visit to Anderson's was not as much fun as the last time. We brought our own book and showed up early to get our book signing number. The clerk told us we couldn't have one because we didn't buy the books from Anderson's. In a very rude, snotty manner she told us we could wait but she doubted if there would be time for the ladies to sign our books. We went for dinner and hoped that by the time we returned, she wouldn't be there. She was. They also didn't set up any chairs bcuz they were expecting lots of people. What? Makes no sense. Anyway, in the end, a short lady with dark hair over-rode the clerk and told us to get a number. It still took a long time! We even saw a girl get about 32 books signed even though she'd only bought 1 at Anderson's!! How do they know we weren't going to buy a book later? We had over an hour to wait until the signing! Bcuz of the rudeness, we didn't! I hesitate to go again even though the first time was a great visit.
Don't let the LHA/SD one stop you from going again. I've been to at least 3-4 now and that's been the ONLY bad one.