It's September! I'm going to try and blog everyday this month. I'm not very good at scheduling posts in advance and really have a hard time with memes. I'll work both those things out as this month continues. I have several blog tours coming up and books that I've requested that from publishers plus some reviews from past months. I should be able to do this. I've not felt up to blogging these past two months and I'm having a hard time getting back into the swing of things. We shall see!
Living Your Five
Kay Cassidy, and her author pals have come up with Living Your Five. "Living Your Five is all about knowing what matters most to you and making a difference in your world in ways large and small." The authors ask that you examine what's important to you and come up with five ways to live those important values everyday. They are going to transparently "live" their five through the group blog with posts every other day.
I've read all the Fives put out by these ladies as I've reflected on my Five. I still haven't put mine into words yet but I know they will have something to do with intentional living, decreased consumption, teaching or mentoring others, and positive communication. I will post them as soon as they are finalized.
Mock Newbery
I'm going to be doing this with a few teachers from my school. I've read more books off the St. Joseph Public Library's Mock Newbery list and am starting to get into this. It will be fun debating the merits of books with the teachers. My monthly list will be slightly different than St. Joe's because our focus will be more geared towards our jobs. I'll be posting our first reading list soon.
You should not blog everyday because it is too much for someone who works full time. You should blog twice during the week and once during the weekend(Fri-Sun) at the most.