Kazu Kibuishi
186 pg, Graphic Novel
Emily and Navin move from their house of new things to an old house with nothing. The house is run-down and dirty and the neighbors swear it is haunted. The man who used to live there, disappeared one day. He just happens to be Emily and Navin's great-grandfather. As they are trying to make the house livable, Emily finds this cool necklace that talks to her. She keeps it and the next day, their mother disappears. When they are looking for their mother, they go deep into the house where the stairs disappear behind them and they have nothing else to do but keep going - so they do.
My Thoughts
The Stonekeeper moves quickly through the story with lots of action. Emily and Navin have to make decisions on the spot under pressure. They make them the best they can and then move on. The drawings are AMAZING. They are detailed and colorful and you must look at each one because they help to move the story forward. I was thrilled by the way Kibuishi illustrated how the amulet "talked" to Emily. I give Amulet: The Stonekeeper, book 1 4 copies! Read it if you like fantasy, action, and great art!
About the Author

Born in Tokyo, Japan, Kazu moved to the U.S. with his mother and brother when he was a child. He graduated from Film Studies at the University of California Santa Barbara, and then moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in the entertainment industry. He currently works as a full-time comic book artist.
Meet The Artist!
Kazu Kabuishi just released Amulet: The Stonekeeper's Curse, book 2 and I'm excited about reading it. I wish I lived in San Francisco because he's doing a signing at Nucleus Gallery at 1pm Saturday, September 12, 2009. That's today! How cool is that? He is going sign his books and talk about his art! Kabuishi will be putting on a workshop on creating comics and when you're done - you will have 10 pages done! I want to go :(!
Sounds like a great book. I liked graphic novels so I'll have to add this to the list.