Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Sunday Salon - Challenges Can Be Challenging and More to Read- November 22, 2009

extra creditChallenges
I have one month left to read but I also have my Mock Newbery books to read so my plan is to finish the DystopYA challenge and the 50 Books challenge since each of them only require me to read one book. I will rejoin the Diversity Challenge in 2010 and that's it. I plan on doing some sort of Mock Printz 2011 club so I'm thinking of focusing on that beginning in February and possibly doing some Steampunk... and of course I will try to review more in 2010.

Recently, over at twitter, I asked What's the best book you've read so far this year? I'm looking for awe and beauty and joy and sorrow and thought-provokingness. Here are the answers - I'll be adding the ones I haven't read to my Christmas break reading list!

stephxsu @thebrainlair Wow, tough question. One of my favorites was ASH by Malinda Lo. Also loved FIRE by Kristin Cashore.

Miss_Tammy @thebrainlair I adored LIPS TOUCH THREE TIMES by Laini Taylor. As soon as I was done I wanted to start over again.

thebookcellarx @thebrainlair Definitely Going Too Far by Jennifer Echols

cindypon @thebrainlair i loved eyes like stars by @lisamantchev flash burnout by @lkmadigan king of attolia by megan whalen turner

vasilly @thebrainlair August: Osage County by Tracy Letts. It's like reading a soap opera but way better.

@thebrainlair Best book of the year for me: A tie between The Book Thief, Someone Knows my Name, Chains!

MaryAnnScheuer @thebrainlair have you tried Lips Touch by Laini Taylor? I am so gripped (with wonderment and fascination) by the stories.

@thebrainlair Best book so far this year - Paper Towns by John Green. Loved it. Now making students read it and they're loving it too.

@thebrainlair How to Say Goodbye in Robot is one of my favs of the year.

@thebrainlair Couple more The Hate List/Brown, Ash/Lo, Twenty Boy Summer/Ockler, Beautiful Place to Die/Nunn

Have you read any of these? Do you have any other suggestions? I've read the ones in bold so you see I have some reading to do and I cannot wait. Makes me look forward to the holidays even more!

Newbery Update (as of 11/22/09)
We are counting down the days until the Newbery award is announced in January. I'm hoping they tweet the announcements again this year.

Dream Stealer by Sid Fleischman
Born to Fly by Michael Ferrari
Evolution of Calpurnia Tate by Jacqueline Kelly
The Rock and The River by Kekla Magoon
Mother Poems by Hope Anita Smith
Heart of A Shepherd by Rosanne Parry
Tropical Secrets by Margarita Engle

I'm going to be reading like crazy for the next two months. Luckily, I have some time over the holidays. :)

1 comment:

  1. Top of my list is A Wish After Midnight by Zetta Elliot. There is nothing else like it among YA. The Rock and The River is beautifully written.

    I've read Ash and Paper Towns. Both rock. For your middle schoolers, I highly recommend When A Tree Fall at Lunch Period.


Thanks for chatting! I love comments and look forward to reading yours! I may not reply right away, but I am listening! Keep reading and don't forget to be awesome!