Monday, June 14, 2010

The Friday Five - Or My Current Obsessions - June 12, 2010

Yes, I know it's Monday.  I had a lazy weekend. Went to dinner with friends, slept in, went to brunch with the Amazing Dancer, took long naps...yeah, it's been great.

But, enough about me, no wait, more about me.  Here's what I'm hooked on:

1. E-Readers - we have this grant to buy ereaders and part of the request was that teachers could use them over summer to see how they could be used in their classrooms.  This is taking way more time than I wanted.

2. Myself - as you can see in these pics, in a moment of pure insanity, I chopped my hair off. I wasn't sure how I thought it would help but I did it and now I'm desperate to grow it out. Not sure how though... Plus, I'm getting older and really need to take better care of myself, dress better, do grown-up stuff...but, again, not sure how...

3. Flip Flops - between my daughter and I, we have at least 20 pairs of flip flops. We love them and buy them in all colors. Problem? I might be getting a little old to be wearing flip flops. But, dang, they are comfy!

4. The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson - I LOVED Warbreaker last year and when I heard about this one coming out, I squealed. Really. The awesome Ben Rubinstein at Macmillan Library sent me an ARC. I just devised a reading plan because this thing is HUGE, over 1000 pages!

5. Avatar: The Last Airbender - I just finished watching Season 3 on Neflix and then I just started over again! Love the shows comedy drama mix.  The characters are so sassy.  And, of course, you learn something about  using your gifts, working together, harmony, friendship, perseverance. Great show! Looking forward to the movie.

1 comment:

Thanks for chatting! I love comments and look forward to reading yours! I may not reply right away, but I am listening! Keep reading and don't forget to be awesome!