Thursday, September 23, 2010


I am super excited to announce I will be a second round judge on the Cybils YA Panel!  Yay!! 

What are the Cybils?  It's the Children and Young Adult Bloggers Literary Awards.  The cool thing about the Cybils is they look for books that have both child appeal and literary merit.  These are the books I KNOW my students will read and enjoy. And so will I!

What Now?
Book nominations will run from October 1 - October 15.
You can nominate one book in each genre.  Books should be published from October 16, 2009 to September 30, 2010. 

What is the best MG and YA books you've read that fit those criteria?

Round 1 judges will be reading like crazy and announce their short list on New Year's Day! Happy New Year, here are some books to read!

Round 2 judges will read those books and announce the winners on Valentine's Day! I Love You and I love these books!

This is truly an honor for me.  I've followed the Cybils longer than I've followed the Newbery or Printz awards! And as a past NF MG/YA panelist, I know how much time and attention these bloggers put into finding the best books! That's one of the reasons they post all the past finalists on the right hand side of the blog, these are the books you want to buy for your library or classroom.  Print out one (or all) of the lists posted in the Cybils right side bar and start shopping! 

Don't forget to nominate some books!


  1. Congrats! I'll be doing round one in the same area (I did judging last year and had a BLAST....and I'm totally revved/terrified for how much reading being on the first round will involve).

  2. Judging is such a challenge, but I know you're up to the task. Congratulations on the honor.

  3. Congrats! I'm judging second round MG/YA nonfic. I thought this might give me a bit less to read while exposing me to books I'd completely missed during the year. We'll have to talk when we're done!

  4. Congratulations! I didn't get picked this year, but I'm hoping to participate next year. I'm adding you to my blog roll. Just based on your Read-a-thon picks, it looks like we have similar tastes...


Thanks for chatting! I love comments and look forward to reading yours! I may not reply right away, but I am listening! Keep reading and don't forget to be awesome!