Saturday, October 9, 2010

Readathon October 2010 - Update 4 - Stuck on Earth by David Klass

Stuck on Earth by Klass

Tom Filber or Ketchvar III? Ketchvar believes he was sent to Earth to determine if a race of people who were mean to each other and the place they lived on was worth saving. He was bullied by his family and by people in the neighborhood but the help of the school counselor, a neighbor he noticed but didn't know, and an old teacher, he learns more about who he is and what he's supposed to do.

Although Stuck on Earth has a great many funny parts, it's not a funny book. The issues of bullying and environmental damage are real and happen much the way Klass has pointed out in his book. The ending wrapped up a little neatly but it was necessary after the emotional trauma Tom and Ketchvar suffer throughout the book.

I give this one 3 copies. It's good but I will have to find the right audience. Pair this one with Operation Redwood and Klass' other book, Firestorm.

ReadAThon Update
Number of books read since you started:
The Familiars by Epstein and Jacobson
Shakespeare Makes the Playoffs by Ron Koertge
Stuck on Earth by David Klass

Pages read since last update:
Heart of a Samurai - 25 pages
Reckless - 70 pages
Stuck on Earth - 227

Running total of pages read since you started:

Amount of time spent reading since last update:
3 hr 25 min

Running total of time spent reading since you started:
8 hours


  1. Still going strong? You can do it!! Woohoo!

  2. great job on the readathon! i haven't heard of any of these books, but i'm off to go look them up.

    keep up the great work!

  3. Your are doing great! Keep up all the wonderful reading! =)

  4. You're doing GREAT!!! :-D Sounds like a fun book. Keep reading! You can do it!!

  5. Dear blogger, I say you're the best!
    You've read now for hours without rest!
    If you're sleepy, by chance,
    Get up, do a dance!
    You'll soon pass this Readathon test!

    Keep it up! You can do it!

  6. Have not heard of this book, but it sounds interesting. Happy reading!

  7. Ready, OK. Go Kathy, Go Kathy, Be Reading, Keep Reading, Yeah Book Lovers! Shaking pom-poms.

  8. Keep it going!!
    Treat yourself to an ice cream! ; )

  9. Why! You're doing great! 3 books so far! Keep going on!!

  10. Lookit you, superstar. Keep up the reading. There's only another 8 1/2 (ish) hours to go!

  11. Wow! 850 pages, You're doing great! Keep it up.
    Stay awake!

  12. 850 pages! I'm super impressed! Keep up the good work and keep reading!

  13. "A Book is a gift you can open again and again" -Garrison Keillor

    Happy Reading!
    Stiletto Storytime

  14. You're doing so well...I am starting to fade. Hopefully this here sugary soda will help me stay awake!

  15. Happy Readathon! You're making great progress!

  16. I love the title "Shakespeare Takes the Playoffs." Hilarious. Keep up the reading!

  17. You are doing an awesome job! Keep up the good work but most of all have fun.

  18. woo hoo! 850 pages - impressive! Hope you are enjoying the RAT

  19. Fellow coffee lovers unite! Well done and keep it going!

  20. Wow!!! 8 hours you're freaking amazing!!!

    Keep up the awesome reading and HAPPY readings!!!

  21. 3 books that's impressive!! Keep going strong, and Happy Reading!


  22. WOW, three books complete. You rock!!!

  23. Looking good!

    *waves pom-poms around*

  24. I hope you are having as much fun in this as I am, keep on reading.

  25. Wow, eight hours and 850 pages, that is absolutely fantastic! Keep up the great work! Hope you are having a ton of fun. :)

  26. Congratulations on finishing 3 books so far. You're doing great!

  27. Keep up the good work, you're doing great! 3 books is a lot! :D

  28. This is on both this and the last post, because I misunderstood the 24 hour readathon's commenting thing. "This looks like something my 15 year old cousin might like. Is he the right age for it? I also really like your blog's name. Good luck on the readathon." (re: Shakespeare Plays Baseball)

  29. You've read a lot already!!! Keep up the good work! :)

  30. Wow, 850 pages so far? good job! Enjoy the rest of the readathon.

  31. You are doing so very well, I know you can make it. Take break, stretch your legs, then begin refreshed.

  32. 3 books finished is impressive. Happy reading :)

  33. go girl go
    more, more, more
    read in bed, chair or floor!

  34. Wow! I don't know how you guys do it! You've read 850 pages; I've read 121 pages. You're leaving me in the dust! I hope you are enjoying the books!

  35. Wow, 850 pages in 8 hours is an awesome achievement! You're doing great!

  36. One, Two, Three, Four
    Get one done and read some more
    Five, Six, Seven, Eight
    Reading so much, can't see straight
    Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve
    Pick another up off the shelf!
    Happy Reading!

  37. 3 books...great job! Keep it up! Hope you're having fun!

  38. Don't let the late hour
    Make you dour:
    Just get up and stretch,
    You'll feel the best!

  39. I think I should send some eye drops. Lookin' good, girl. I'm at book 2, trying to keep up but you do set a pace.


Thanks for chatting! I love comments and look forward to reading yours! I may not reply right away, but I am listening! Keep reading and don't forget to be awesome!