The Invisible Line
Daniel J. Sharfstein
The Penguin Press
330 pgs + End Notes.
This book chronicles the lives of three black families that, for various reasons, decided their lives would be better if they passed as white. It's a topic that I'm fully committed to learning more about. But I couldn't finish the book at this time.
Sharfstein's writing is detailed and insightful with a touch of humor. Unfortunately, even though I set aside three days to read this only slightly longer than 300 page tome, I couldn't get into it. I need more time and less distractions.
I will return to this book in early summer but it's just not the right book for me right now. Please stop by some of the blogs below for reviews and stop by the publisher's site to read an excerpt!
TLC Book Tours
Book Club Classics
Scraps of Life
Full Tour
Thanks to TLC Book Tours and Penguin Press for this HC.
Stopped in at a couple of the other blogs. Sometimes books with flaws are fascinating. They often succeed in interesting me because of those flaws.
ReplyDeleteOh, there are no flaws! It's just too dense for me to finish at this time! I need more time since this was a scheduled post date. I will DEFINITELY revisit this!
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean about needing the right book at the right time. I hope that when you CAN give it the time and attention it needs, that you will really enjoy it!
ReplyDeleteThanks for being on the tour.