Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Sunday Salon - Happy Feet

No. This isn't about the movie. It's actually about my battle with change. How I'm aching for it, as if I need to being doing something other than what I'm doing. And that I need to do that NOW.

I love my job. I do. But, I feel like I should be doing something else. Possibly somewhere else. There are still things I can accomplish where I'm at but they involve paperwork.  Which I hate, which you can tell from this blog.  Doing the reading sure, but the reviews? Not so much. 

I've been here before.  A little under two years ago.  But I didn't follow through with myself.  Sad, I know.  I blame it on my ADHD. Which I should get help for, but I can't remember to do that during working hours...never-ending cycle.  Anyway.  My dream of owning a bookstore keeps coming back to me. Now that Borders has closed here, only Barnes and Noble's sells new books.  We have a few used indie bookstores and one that sells new books but it's actually staffed by Notre Dame University and run by Follett Books, so not really independent IMO. 

There are quite a few bookstores within 50 miles of us, two actually specializes in kid's books.  So, I will have to visit them over Spring Break.  And maybe I can get a part-time job selling books.  Maybe that will cure me or be the change I'm looking for or maybe I'm just bored. 


  1. I'm feeling the same way that you do. Maybe a part-time job selling books will be the change you need. If not, you can always keep looking . I hope you follow through this time. Good luck. :-)

  2. Ah, I feel the same way you do. I think, maybe, it's because of spring in the air and all sorts of changes. Not sure. I agree with Vasilly...hop into book selling and you might get your fix. ;O)

  3. I get it. Really. I wanted change so badly that I quit my job, started writing books, starting selling books--not as many as I'd like, but I'm new in the game and patient. Now I have a very different life and one that I can foresee growing out of. Maybe change is what I like and need. Guess I'll find out.

    Hope you find what fulfills you. That's the most important thing--you must love what you do, do it, and, at the end, feel that what you did was worth your precious time.

    Let us know what happens.

  4. I applied at the local public library and at Barnes and Noble. Will see what happens. I'm visiting some places in Chicago over break, too. I am also trying to save enough money to attend Bookseller school in the Fall!

    Thank you all so much for your support!!

    You know, Cheryl, change *is* what I like. I just need to accept that about myself! Would gain some much needed peace!


Thanks for chatting! I love comments and look forward to reading yours! I may not reply right away, but I am listening! Keep reading and don't forget to be awesome!