Friday, June 10, 2011

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness - Bookaday #1

A Monster Calls: Inspired by an idea from Siobhan Dowd
A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
Walker Books, UK

"What you think is not important. It is only important what you do."

I couldn't wait till September to get this book in the US so I bought it from Book Depository.  It was worth it.  I can't tell you much about the book because it would spoil it. The monster comes to tell Conor three stories.  "You're going to tell me stories?" ..."How is that a nightmare?"  But the stories are not what they appear and Conor's understanding of them has some surprising results.  "And suddenly they were back in Conor's grandma's sitting room. Conor saw that he had destroyed almost every inch of it."  This will definitely be on our Mock Newbery list at school.  Don't miss this one.


  1. Oh wow, I really want to know more than you can rightfully tell me! ;O)

  2. Pam, I can send you this one. Email me your address.

  3. I can't wait to read this! I don't think anyone waited until September to buy it. :-)


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