Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Back to School (Almost)

English Acad Superbowl practice
Three weeks from today. August 17, 2011. That's the day I'm going back to work full-time. I'll be in out for the next two weeks getting things in shape.
Some stuff I'll be working on:
  • Finish re-shelving fiction and box up the items to be weeded
  • List the potential weeds and send to board for approval
  • Create signage to further help students know the library
  • Design a new orientation for all students
  • Create calendar
  • Start inputting student home rooms into Alexandria
  • Delete students who are not returning
  • Take care of two months of mail!!!
  • Shelve books that arrived over break
  • Any last minute purchases
  • Wall, window, and shelf displays
WDMS studio
I'm also teaching one School News class. This will be my second year and it was pretty difficult last yea.r   I want to work on my lesson plans and tweak some of the video assignments to add in levels of difficulty.  I'm also hoping to get an intern from the high school's news class!

Also working on:
  • One Book, One School - choosing the committee and the book
  • Mock Newbery Book Club - setting the dates and ordering the books
  • How to help when I'm not around to help
Most importantly, the library needs a complete overhaul in both its design and its programming.  I want to put us on the road to The National School Library Program and start raising money for a new look. 

What are you doing to get ready for "back to school"?

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, that list is making me tired and I'm already "back" in school (our private preschool runs year round because of camps and workshops)! Enjoy your last few moments of summer and good luck on your list!


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