Simon Cowell's Corner
What are your favorite genres to read?
I read a wide variety of books, but my favorite genres are probably science-fiction and fantasy
How do you select the books you want to read?
Usually, I see ads for books on the internet or someone recommends them for me.
What is your favorite book so far?
My favorite book is The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan.
What is your favorite thing about reading?
I love the fact that there are so many creative ideas that people come up with, and really experiencing what it would be like, asking yourself, "What if?"
Do you read on an e-reader/phone/computer?
Yes, I read on my I-pod touch on an amazing app called the Wattpad. ( Free books written by people and sent out, and given feedback.)
What kinds of books do you think are most popular with kids your age? Why?
I believe that books that kids my age really like to read romance novels, (though I really don't enjoy them) All kids, mostly girls, at the pree-teen age like to imagine if they had a boyfriend like the wonderful, non-realistic ones they experience in novels.
What book are you waiting to be released?
I am anxiously awaiting the release of the third book in the trilogy the Iron King, the Iron Prince. I heard it comes out this month, so excited!!
What are you currently reading?
I am currently reading the new novel Matched, by Allie Condie though I haven't gotten into it yet!