Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Great Global Puzzle Challenge with Google Earth- Review


Hi Everyone!

It is very exciting and today I will be reviewing my first book! As you saw the title is THE GREAT GLOBAL PUZZLE CHALLENGE WITH GOOGLE EARTH.  It was an exciting book that was very interactive. At the beginning of the book it was very detailed on how you set up things on Google earth (yes, for someone people it may be a downside if you don't have a computer) At home, we already have Google earth, so with a couple of clicks I was ready to begin my journey. At each destination you had coordinates to type into Google earth. It would then take you to the location to explore. In the picture inside the book you were asked to spot 3 things/items, a flag, a historical and geographical misfit, and pick up a souvenir. I didn't do these things right away. It was something I could skip and it wouldn't ruin up the number points I needed for the "final/secret destination" With each destination it would then tell you to either type in a destination in that city or to scroll along. (For example cruise down a river until you get to the ninth bridge along) It total there were 11 destinations before you had all the numbers for the "final/secret" destination.

My favorite destination was Tokyo. It had a neat challenge on where you had to pass green roofed buildings to reach a pagoda. If you messed up you were back at square one. And sadly I messed up. I took a turn somewhere, when I shouldn't have. Out of everything there was one thing that I didn't like, and it would be the final destination. I thought it was going to be some exotic place, but it wasn't. I guess I thought that it was leading me up for some neat destination. I found this book very educational, as I learned new things about each city by doing fun events. I would highly recommend this book especially to kids as it is a fun way to learn!

I would like to thank Blueslip Media for the book! It was very generous!

~Loving to Read One Step at a Time



  1. Oh how fun1 I love the concept behind this. I'm such a geek. :O)

  2. Great review Lucy! *applauds loudly* The book itself sounds very unique and intriguing.

  3. would a third grader like this I wonder?


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