This "freely abridged" version of Eden Phillpott's The Flint Heart written in 1910. It says abridged - Phillpott's story was 334 pg and Paterson's is 288, but it appears to be the same story. I wonder if it's eligible for the Newbery?
According to the Expanded Rules of the Newbery Manual, a book should be an original work. Something New. It can have parts pubbed before. But, each committee has to determine what that means to them. I think this one is NOT eligible but would love to hear your thoughts.
I did find something in the comments on The Heavy Medal blog when they discussed The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship Of Her Own Making. But, as mentioned, rules depend on committee. If you were on the committee, what would you say?
Based solely on the information you've provided and the Newbery rules I'd say no. Though it looks like there's room for interpertation.