Monday, June 11, 2012

Batty About Books - Dragon Castle by Joseph Bruchac - Part 2

Maria (@mselke01) and I are reading together 
and we are now 
Batty About Dragon Castle by Joseph Bruchac
Dragon Castle Part 1 - here. In part one we met Pavol, whose family was murdered by the Dark Lord. Pavol was raised in the forest by Uncle Tomas and Baba Marta. When he was ready he was sent on a quest. Pavol's story is intertwined with that of Rashko. Prince Rashko's parents are away on a mysterious trip and while they are gone, strangers are trying to take over the castle. Paulek, Rashko's brother is no help as he appears to be under the spell of Princess Poteshenie. How do these two stories connect? We try to find out.

This second installment contains a prediction that came true which is also a spoiler. Skip the surprise if you haven't read the book yet!

Dragon Castle by Joseph Bruchac - Part 2 - p114 - p228

Prediction: Something in the castle is making Poteshenie stronger.  
Maria: Yes - they do talk about how both she and the Baron have changed. Perhaps it is the proximity to the pouch or other magical items? Maybe they are connected to the dragon? Ooo... new thought. Maybe she IS the dragon or a descendant? Hadn’t thought of that! She could be the dragon! But, didn’t Pavol kill the dragon? Wait, no he only killed one so far...

Wonder: Why is Black Yanosh hiding from Baron Temny and Princess Poteshenie? 
Maria: Good catch! I hadn’t noticed that one. Now that you mention it, I’m curious about that, too.

More Wonder: What is the significance of the items that Pavol finds and puts in his pouch? 
Maria: That brings up an item I forgot to put on my thoughts. When he picked up the iron ring I immediately thought the connection to faeries. Then he started grabbing other items and I wondered why the others were significant.

Surprise: The Baron is Dark Lord! 
Maria: Yep. I liked that bit.

Question: Who is the mysterious Karoline? 
Maria: I have a thought about that in my comments. I think she is the queen, and that Pavol is the king. Faerie blood and all that.

Storyline thought: I like how Rashko’s story has stopped moving while we the reader as well as Rashko learn more about Pavol’s quest. 
Maria: I do like some of that - where Rashko almost ponders the same things I’m pondering. It also makes it easier to keep track of things when only one plot is moving at a time.

Overall thoughts: I thought this section was a little draggy. I wonder why Bruchac broke up Pavol’s story to go back to Rashko with Anya and Josef? That slowed it down for me and I lost Rashko’s voice. He sounded too much like an adult to me. 
Maria: I agree. The thing that I liked the least in this section was the plot device where Rashko “is” Pavol during his story. I didn’t think that was needed. I was doing just fine keeping their stories straight without using this technique.

For the rest of the story - check out Maria's thoughts over at Maria's Melange.


1 comment:

  1. I like Joseph Bruchac a lot but hadn't heard of this book. Good to know and hope to read it someday!


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