Thursday, June 28, 2012

Next Great Read

If you work in a school setting or have access to book reading students, you know they have one question -
Do you know any good books?
 My snarkastic answer varies based on my relationship with said student.  I've even setup a Good Books table, an idea I lifted from Bookends, but sometimes they just want ideas from me. 

And just like the students, every now and again I turn to twitter and I ask my version of that question:

The most tweeted book was See You At Harry's By Jo Knowles.  I've been avoiding that book because I heard it made people cry! That's the reason I haven't read Monsters of Men by Patrick Ness yet, even though I adored the rest of the Chaos Trilogy!

I like how Patrick and Cynthia also threw in some extra books.  I haven't read Lions of Little Rock by Kristen Levine, One for the Murphy's by Lynda Mullaly Hunt or The Candymakers by Wendy Mass yet.  I've got 2 of 3 here! 

We had two nods to Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein. It's one of our June selections for Mock Printz 2013 on Goodreads and I've been avoiding it the same as See You At Harry's!

And then we have a variety of other books!

The only one I haven't read is the Sophie Kinsella book. I've read The Mini-Shopoholic and loved it and keep forgetting to pick up smething else of hers.  

All in all, I've a few books to move up in the TBR pile.  I hope to get to the ones I missed in the next week or two! In the meantime, See You At Haw-ees! (Yes, I started it. But I will not cry!)

Are there any YA books that you've read and loved this year? Share titles in the comments!


  1. Of course you know this, but my favorite book so far of 2012 is Grave Mercy! I totally love that book to pieces. <3 I seriously can't believe you haven't read Monsters of Men!! The next time I see you in person, I will literally force you to read it. You can bet on that happening [I'm dead serious!].

    Love the post! <3

    -Aneeqah @ My Not So Real Life

  2. I would like to see you try! Hahahaha! I am a good resister. I did end up reading See You At Harry's and know I will read Code Name Verity soon too!

  3. Poseidon is what my rising 7th grader just recommended to you. She neglected to tell me the author though.

    1. Is it Of Poseidon by Anna Banks? There's an ARC of that running around here somewhere. My teen readers made of with it when they created their own awesome blogs! Will hunt it down!


Thanks for chatting! I love comments and look forward to reading yours! I may not reply right away, but I am listening! Keep reading and don't forget to be awesome!