Welcome to Summer Throwdown
Librarians VS Teachers
Round 2
Based on feedback, we've tweeked a few things to level the playing field. We've kept the same hashtags: #leagueoflibrarians, #teamteacher, and #summerthrowdown. You can also use #bookaday with your #summerthrowdown tweet! More bang for your hashtag!
Rule Number 1 - The #summerthrowdown challenge runs from Sunday, July 22 - Saturday Aug 18.
You can start a book before the 22nd and then finish it on the 22nd, that counts. But, if you start a book on the 18th and don't finish it by 11:59pm, it does not count. YOU MUST HAVE LESS THAN 50% OF THE BOOK COMPLETED BEFORE JULY 22ND FOR IT TO COUNT! DON'T TRY TO SAVE 1 OR 2 PAGES!
Rule Number 2 - Books count (here's a change)
0-49 pages: 0.25
50-149 pages: 0.5
150-349 pages: 1
350-549 pages: 1.5
550-749 pages: 2
750-949 pages: 2.5
950-1149 pages: 3
Rule Number 3 - We need stinking badges - clicking will take you to the signup/log sheet!
Make sure you grab the right one for your blog! When signing up, check the tab at the bottom to make sure you are on the correct spreadsheet! Please show your support! You can also add a twibbon on twitter! (say that fast 5 times)
Round 1
If you are still unsure what #summerthrowdown is because you were in a cave (literally, cuz you were vacationing), check out Heise Reads and Recommends for details.
We are giving away a couple of ARCs/Finished Books to those who participated in Round 1. Enter the raffle for your chance at one of these fabulous prizes! Ends July 24th!
Would you like to tell the world about your love for #summerthrowdown? We're looking for a few good readers to write guest posts for us! We want to know your Top Ten books you read during throwdown or something like that! Complete THIS FORM if you are interested! We will randomly select 4 people to participate!
For more information on #summerthrowdown Round 2, check out Sherry's post at Ms. Library Fanatic.
Get those #bookstacks ready! Go #leagueoflibrarians go! (oh, and you too, #teamteacher)
Oh, I like the scoring change! I slogged through A Clash of Kings, weighing it at almost 1,000 pages, leaving no time to read much else!
ReplyDeleteI am feeling so uninspired to read right now that I hate to register... nothing at all sounds good to read. I guess this means I am ready for summer to be over.