Saturday, August 25, 2012

Summer Throwdown Guest Post - Valerie

Hello! I am Valerie, The Library Goddess, and a proud member of the League of Librarians!
I love a challenge. I love reading. I love summertime. How perfect that all of my loves should come together in a summer reading challenge made just for me! At the end of the 2011-2012 school year, I had already shared with my students (I am the Library Media Specialist at an elementary school serving Kindergarten - 5th grade in Lexington, South Carolina) that I was going to challenge myself to read a book everyday this summer, inspired by Donalyn Miller's #bookaday challenge. When I discovered that I could combine the #bookaday challenge with #summerthrowdown and add some competition to the mix, I was thrilled! So, on June 18, I got down to business!

I LOVED participating in #summerthrowdown and #bookaday challenges. As a librarian, OF COURSE, I love to read and I read as much as I can. However, I do not always make sure that I am reading (or finishing) a book A DAY. Participating in a challenge held me accountable. The fact that I told every student at my school that I was doing it sure helped too. After each book, I snapped a photo and posted it to my library'sFacebook page as well as to my personal blog, my Goodreads account, and my Twitter feed(@librarygoddess). I have heard from many parents and teachers at my school (and some of my librarian friends) that they really enjoyed seeing what I was reading throughout the summer. They got ideas of things they wanted to read, conversations were started about some of the books, and it was a great way to show myself as a reader to my school and professional community. Plus, I read many more books (133 total!) than I would have had I not been involved in this challenge - so THANK YOU @brianwyzlic@heisereads, @thebrainlair and@LibraryFanatic for coming up with this GREAT idea! 

Here are my top 10 #summerthrowdown books! In no special order...
A great graphic novel for middle schoolers. Raina has many issues with her teeth and her interactions with her friends, parents, and oral professionals are spot on. I never needed braces as a teen, but this book isrelate-able to anyone who is (or who has been) a tween/teen. 
The print companion to the beautiful film and app. This is a gorgeous book that book lovers must read!
What would happon if wo couldn't uso tho lottor E (get it?) Funny picture book where you find out!
The upper elementary version of The Art of Racing in the Rain (novel for adults). I normally like to stay away from books about dogs. I LOVE dogs and we all know what typically happens to dogs in books. This book is no different, however, it has the BEST ending. A must read for dog lovers!
This novel has gotten lots of buzz, I'm sure you have heard of it by now and hopefully you have read it. A wonderful book for upper elementary and middle. Perfect for a read aloud to start a discussion about bullying or how to treat others who are different from you. Awesome. 
SO GOOD. This one has also been getting lots of buzz. I have been hearing lots of comparisons to Charlotte's Web and that folks seem to think Ivan will be remembered just as much as Charlotte andWilber. I don't disagree. A fantastic story based on true events. Ivan just passed away (he was living at the Atlanta Zoo).
A very funny alphabet picture book about a moose who just does not want to wait his turn. S is for silly! 
A book beautifully written in prose. 10 year old, HA, and her family flee Vietnam and move to Alabama. The story takes place over the course of a year. Really love this one for our 5th graders who will be learning about Vietnam.  
An excellent (but sad) teacher/school story. Mr. Terupt is a new 5th grade teacher who really gets to know his students and teaches them that school is fun. Something happens to Mr. Terupt that brings the class even closer together. Excellent book for use in Book Club with upper elementary students.
Simple but wonderful picture book. Bear wants his hat back so he asks many different animals if they've seen it, and no one has until the end. This is one of those picture books that is just as funny for the grown ups reading it as it is for the kids who are reading it.
And there you have it! My favorite 10 #summerthrowdown reads!
Thank you for letting me share! Can't wait until next summer!

1 comment:

  1. This one has also been getting many hype. I have been listening to many evaluations to Charlotte's Web and that people seem to think Ivan will be recalled just as much as Currently andWilber.


Thanks for chatting! I love comments and look forward to reading yours! I may not reply right away, but I am listening! Keep reading and don't forget to be awesome!