Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Summer Throwdown Top Stuff

Wow! I can't believe the summer is over! We had so much fun competing in our First Annual Summer Throwdown! There were so many good books being read, we thought it would be cool to have you share out what books made a difference for you this summer.

This week Mrs. Library Fanatic (Sherry @libraryfanatic), Heise Reads and Recommends (Jillian @heisereads) and Wyz Reads (Brian @brianwyzlic) and I (Kathy @thebrainlair) will be hosting 8 teachers and 8 librarians as they list out their top reads this summer! Each of us will have four guest posts throughout the week so make sure you come back!

My first librarian, Megan, will have a post up tomorrow!

In the meantime here are some of my top reads this summer! (in reverse reading order!)

Swim the Fly by Don Calame
Liar and Spy by Rebecca Stead
Team Human by Brennan and Larbalestier
False Memory by Dan Krokos
Journal of Best Practices by David Fitch
Seraphina by Rachel Hartman
Prisoners in the Palace by Michaela MacColl
Lies Beneath by Anne Greenwood Brown
Giants Beware by Jorge Aguirre
Chopsticks by Jessica Anthony

If I had to pick the ONE you should read?

The Best MG
Liar and Spy by Stead

The Best YA
Seraphina by Hartman

The Best Adult
Journal of Best Practices

I've read so many books I can share with students and staff alike! It makes me almost ready for back to school. Almost.

Don't forget to visit the other bloggers for more top book fun!


  1. Ugh, I'm not even CLOSE to being ready to go back to school! Unfortunately, that doesn't matter. :P

    Anyways, I will definitely be picking up Seraphina! I'm also super excited for False Memory, I plan on buying it and getting it signed when I go to Austin Teen Book Festival. Lies Beneath also looks really fantastic!

    My favorite read this summer has got to be Pushing the Limits, surprisingly. Loved that book to pieces. <3

    I look forward to seeing what everyone read this summer! =)

    1. I wish we had another week! Though I would like to get out before memorial day! You are lucky to live near so many festivals! I really enjoyed False Memory and can't wait to get it at school. Would be a nice book to read with Starters.

  2. These look great. I have been hearing nothing but great things about Liar and Spy and I'm dying to read it. I loved When You Reach Me. Thanks for the great list. I will give to my middle school daughter.

    1. It's hard to imagine the same person wrote both because the voice is so different. Liar and Spy reminded me a lot of SLOB by Ellen Potter. One of my fave books. I loved how the mc draws you in and makes you only see what he sees. Stead is has talent.


Thanks for chatting! I love comments and look forward to reading yours! I may not reply right away, but I am listening! Keep reading and don't forget to be awesome!