Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year - 2013

Happy New Year! We've been blessed with another year to love each other and ourselves.  

Neil Gaiman
Have you read Neil Gaiman's wish for 2012? If you haven't, please do.  I agree wholeheartedly that kindness and wisdom are needed. In this age of instant response and outlets for every thought, we desperately need to slow down and think things through, and temper with kindness before sending our words on.

Peter Bregman
Trolling on twitter a couple of days ago, something I haven't done in a while, I came across a tweet that I traced back to Peter Bregman's Two Lists You Should Look at Every Morning. He talks about letting go of some of the information highway instead of trying so desperately to keep up. Taking the risk that you might miss something but knowing that you are taking care of yourself and those around you. 

THE CYBILS SHORT LISTS WERE ANNOUNCED TODAY!! Make sure you stop by all of them, but these are my special favorites:

Fantasy/Science Fiction MG - I've only read 2
Fantasy/Science Fiction YA - I've only read 1
MG Fiction - I've read 5
YA Fiction - I've read 3

I look forward to checking out the finalists in February!

I've very excitedly set my 2013 Goodreads Reading Challenge Goal to read 150 books.  This coupled with taking better care of the people in my life and, possibly, even keeping my house cleaner, should make for a busy but happy new year!


  1. Happy New Year Mrs. B!! By the way love the new blog design!

    1. Thanks Lucy! Happy New Year to you too! It was fun Skyping with you!

  2. My GR Challenge is also set to 150 books, although for me, that's a big stretch, since I managed to read 135 books in 2012 (which I'm extremely proud of!). But I will definitely be checking out those two links you mentioned. =)

    Happy New Year! <3 I hope you have a fantastic 2013 filled with amazing books and fantastic conversations with teen bloggers. ;) <3

    1. Happy New Year Aneeqah! I deliberately cut back on the number of books I want to read. I'm looking forward to slowing down and discussing those books I do read!

      I'm so happy for you and your goal. It's wonderful to see how your blogging and reading life has taken off!! I'm honored to keep in touch with you and Lucy!! HONORED!

  3. Love wanted to stop by and say how much I love this design - and look forward to book chatting with you again this year :)


Thanks for chatting! I love comments and look forward to reading yours! I may not reply right away, but I am listening! Keep reading and don't forget to be awesome!