Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Be A Dear

Drop Everything and Read.

DEAR Time.

When I taught elementary (should that be capitalized?) school, every day after lunch we would come in and read for about 15 minutes. Most days I would read to them, but they also read to each other or just  quietly looked at books. Every day. It was part of what we did. I loved it.

Up until 2 years ago, every day I would spend time at work reading. Every day. In different spots in the library or walking around the school, but every day. Teachers would tease me about it. But I think they secretly liked it. Things got crazy, we instituted new programs, I had finally won more teachers trust so was in the classroom or planning more, whatever. I stopped reading at work, unless it was my lunch break. Recently the principal said she missed seeing me walk around the school reading.

I wonder if kids miss it too? Was I setting an example? Reading is important to me, this is not just talk. I can talk to kids about a variety of books because normally I read a variety of books. This year, I've only finished 22 books. And it's already mid-March. I usually read 14 or 15 books a month but this month, I've only finished 3. When students would ask how I had time to read so much - I would say because it's my choice. I choose to not do  this or this or this so that I can read. Now what do I say? I'm too busy to read? What message am I sending?

What message do I want to send? What choices have I made? What's DEAR to me?

I'm joining the Slice of Life March Challenge hosted by Two Writing Teachers. I'm late to the game but I'm staying until the end. #slice2013

1 comment:

  1. At my ES we only do "DEAR Nights" now which are a couple Fridays in the fall months. They are well-attended by families and loads of fun, but the practice of calling DEAR time during school has disappeared. Teachers call it SSR (sustained silent reading) . I find my reading life so diminished now during school that only the summer time can repair it enough for me to not declare myself a non-reader.


Thanks for chatting! I love comments and look forward to reading yours! I may not reply right away, but I am listening! Keep reading and don't forget to be awesome!