Monday, March 25, 2013

Breaking Out

Unboring. Several blogging/reading/teaching colleagues have made Un-boring lists for 2013: Here, here, and here. Things they want to do or read or places they want to go to enrich their lives.

As a student of adhd - I crave routines. But that doesn't mean I have to be routine! So, what can I do to become more unboring this year?

My (mostly) Bookish Un-boring List:

1. Read more mysteries.
I find that I'm pretty much reading the same books over and over. Books I think kids will like, sure, but they are more tried and true premises than anything new.  So, I'm on the lookout for some great middle grade mysteries.

2. Cook something different twice a month. One meal and one dessert.
We pretty much eat the same things week in and week out. I just started getting the Eating Well magazine and vow to try at least one meal per month! I also get the Martha Stewart magazine and I'll try one of her dessert recipes.

3. Read a recommendation from a friend.
I'm always recommending books but when someone recommends one to me, I say I don't have time because I have books to read for work. Now, on occasion, I do read student recommendations, but I'm going to expand that.  I'm going to actively seek monthly recommendations from friends, in person and online, and read them.

4. Diversify
I need to read, blog about, and talk about diversify. I need to stop shying away from the topic. If I want students to read beyond the usual fare I need to guide them to it! So I will start focusing a little more on the Pura Belpre award winners, the Coretta Scott King award winners, some Lee and Low books, follow along with Do Girls Of Color Survive Dystopia?.

Ok, that all pretty much still sounds boring. I'm bored with this now. Will think of "funner" things to do later!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea, and I can definitely relate to your list. My book club also helps to lead me to different books that I might not pick up otherwise. And spring is a great time to try new recipes.


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