Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Big Idea

Today is World Read Aloud Day! We couldn't read aloud at school today because it's ISTEP week! Boo!

This got me thinking about when I taught elementary and some of my favorite read-alouds. As I searched around the house trying to see if I had kept any, other favorites popped into my head.

My favorite alphabet book - Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr.

My favorite to teach that numbers have value (using unit blocks) - Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes

My favorite introduction to poetry - Silver Seeds by Paul Paolilli

My favorite Halloween read aloud - Big Pumpkin by Erica Silverman

My favorite Friday activities - doing the Tooty Ta, giving high fives, playing Peanut Butter Jelly Time

Ah, we had so much fun!

One thing that has always stuck with me was reading Frindle by Andrew Clements. When it clicks for Nick what Mrs. Granger means when she says we make the words. I think about how that gave him an idea that not only changed him, but the school and Mrs. Granger too. And even though I know it's a story - I want it to be true. I want to know that I said something once to a student and it changed their lives and those they touch. Inspiration. I want to be it.

I'm joining the Slice of Life March Challenge hosted by Two Writing Teachers. I'm late to the game but I'm staying until the end. #slice2013


  1. What a great slice! I'm sorry you didn't get to read aloud in school today (and retroactively sorry that there was no such thing as Read Aloud Day when I was a kid).

    The end of your slice was powerful. That's something I always hoped when I was teaching. I think all teachers who love working with their students and love teaching are inspirational. Students pick up on our energy / focus / sincerity ... even when they don't know they're being impacted by it.

    1. I think they are too. You can feel the love of teaching coming off them and that totally affects the students they are working with!

  2. I love your thoughts on these books! We had an inservice day during WRAD... Poo. Maybe next year?

    1. I considered taping myself reading. Really. I did. If we have ISTEP next year, I will read aloud to myself! :)


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