Our school year is coming to an end. The students in my TV Studio class did some really nice
book trailers. Despite the spelling and grammar mistakes, I can see how their video skills have improved. It will be sad to say goodbye to them, but I'm so happy to get back to full-time in the library! I look forward to having more time to partner with teachers in the fall!

The other thing I'm looking forward to - seeing the
Saturday, June 8th, 2013 at the Tivoli Theater! Sign up
And at the end of this week - two of my favorite things come into play!
The 48 Hour Book Challenge (#48hbc) and
Summer Book-A-Day (#bookaday)! YIPPEE! This is how I mark the end of the school year and the beginning of summer reading!

This year the 48 Hour Book Challenge runs from 7 am Friday, June 7th until 7 am Monday, June 10th. You can pick any consecutive 48 hours in that time span to read as much as you possibly can! This year's challenge will be hosted by
Ms. Yingling and
Abby The Librarian.
Last year I met my goal of reading 20 hours and donated $20 to Reading is Fundamental! This year, as noted above, I'll be taking some time to see JUDY BLUME so I won't have as much time to read. Will have to figure out my goal by Friday!

This Saturday will also kickoff my 4th year participating in
Donalyn Miller's summer reading challenge. One goal is to encourage students to prevent the summer slide by setting an example for them. Another goal is to catch up on books you've been meaning to read or to find new books to introduce to students in the fall. Either way it's win-win! And all books count! Children's books, adult books, picture books, graphic novels, memoirs, narrative nonfiction, committee reads, and mind-candy! Just read!
My break officially runs Saturday, June 8 - Sunday, August 11, 2013.
That's 65 days which means my Summer Book A Day goal is to read 65 books!
You can read several books in one day or no books on some days. It's an average! No pressure! That is the beauty of this challenge. It's only a challenge against yourself!
Happy Reading! And, look for the return of the
Summer Throwdown - School Librarians vs Teachers reading challenge in July!
Woot, looks like you have an AWESOME summer ahead of you, Ms. B! I'm SO jealous that you get to meet Judy Blume. She was one of my favorite authors while in elementary school and middle school, and I would die to meet her, haha. ;) I hope you have fun at the movie! <3 And I am SO tempted to sign up for book a day this year. I've contemplated doing it every year, but haven't yet! I'm pretty sure I've already read a book a day thus far in my summer, but my summer activities really kick up at the end of June, so I'm on the fence. Nonetheless, I expect both you and I to read a TON of awesome books this summer, and to really relax.
ReplyDeleteI hope you have an ah-mazing summer, Ms. B, and I look forward to chatting with you! <3