Sunday, December 1, 2013

What I'm Thinking About - December 1, 2013

1. Book Committees
I have been quietly busy on the YALSA Award for Excellence in Nonfiction committee and have been perusing the CYBILS Middle Grade Fiction nominations (2nd round judge) and worndering:

How do librarians (school and public) or classroom teachers use these lists? 

Or any award/best of list.

2. Christmas Shopping
I just had a $1,000 problem fixed on my car. And that was the bare minimum to keep the car running.  That was money I was going to use for Christmas gifts and a real Christmas tree.  Luckily, I have a fake tree in reserve. But the presents, no clue.

3. #Nerdlution - December 2, 2013  - January 20, 2014
I'm jumping on the Nerdlution bandwagon. I'm committing to 30 minutes of blogging and 30 minutes of exercise for the next 50 days.  See here, here, and here if you want more information.

My 30 minutes are up.


  1. Kathy,
    Congratulations on commiting to Nerdlution! Still trying to decide whether I can pull it off or not, especially since I have spent about umpteen hours reading nonfiction for the first round CYBILS! So right there with you on the money thing- December means two college tuition for next semester, two plane tickets, Christmas, and then the motherboard on my college son's computer went out ($700!). Yikes! Hang in there!

    1. Carol,
      Whew! It seems to always be something. I just keep believing! I tell you, nonfiction reading takes a lot out of you! So many ways to evaluate it. Even if no one buys from our list, I've learned so much to help my teachers at work!

  2. For your gifts, try making some. That might help with the budget issue. I have a Pinterest board of DIY instead of buy:

    and one for DIY instead of buy for kids:

    I hope that helps.

    Red Ted Art had a great post for DIY gifts for Men:

    Mia of PragmaticMom

    1. Mia,
      Unfortunately, I'm not really the making type. Also, as a deprived poor kid, I get a particular joy when I present something on someone's list. I know what it's like not to get that "thing" and how that can stick with you.

      That being said, I need to repin some of those on the DIY list! Good ideas!!


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