Monday, March 9, 2015

Financial Aid - #SOLC 9

Not much to say. It's a lot of paperwork. Even as a continuing student (daughter, not me). It is a lot. I love that my daughter goes to Yale. And that they have a generous financial aid program. But, man. This is a lot of time and paperwork.

No way around, but through.

I'm participating in Two Writing Teachers Slice of Life Challenge for the month of March!


  1. Ahh... I know the feeling! I need to get busy on my son's new FAFSA form! This writing may be short, but the topic doesn't need a lot of words! We're grateful, but it IS a lot to take care of! I definitely can relate!

  2. Ugh. NOT looking forward to this stretch of parenting (though right now it sounds preferable to the anguish and tears I just experienced from Older who had a bad math test grade)


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