Monday, March 2, 2015

Getting it together - #SOL15 2

It's already March. I haven't finalized my One Word (I thought about faith). I haven't started my bullet journal (I did buy a journal). I haven't done a Whole30 (I do have the book). For the first time, in a very long time, I am feeling behind in every area of my life. Usually there is one thing that I'm rocking in, and that's usually work, but not this year. New job. I haven't even followed my weekly blogging plan! ARGH!

How do you step off the treadmill? How do you catch up to yourself?

I'm hoping that taking the time each evening to sit and look back at my day will help me find my track again.


  1. Kathy...
    I'm feeling the same way. I'm hoping Slicing in March will get me back in the groove of writing, exercising, and reading the newspaper - all things that have dropped away in this awful winter. So glad to see you here and "hear" your voice!

  2. Your honesty is so relatable! I can completely relate. I think we have moments in life like these where we feel out of balance, but we just need to keep getting back up, keep going, keep working because the uncomfortableness doesn't lady forever. Good luck in finding your balance!

  3. Bless your heart, Kathy! I do know where you are coming from. That feeling of being "behind" and "out of control" is overwhelming. I'm glad that you are writing about it--hopefully that will be a bit of therapy for you. I'm happy to be here to "listen". Hang in there!

  4. I didn't know you would be slicing!

    I am feeling exactly the same as you are right now. I feel like I keep trying to DO more... but I'm feeling more behind than ever!


Thanks for chatting! I love comments and look forward to reading yours! I may not reply right away, but I am listening! Keep reading and don't forget to be awesome!