Celebrate kids comics with Q&As with fantastic children’s cartoonists for Children’s Book Week! Join us as great authors talk about their own creative work and the graphic novel industry throughout April and May. Comics for kids are reaching a time of unprecedented acceptance in the American literary scene, and it’s now true that there are comics for everyone. All interviews are conducted by Jorge Aguirre and Rafael Rosado (Dragons Beware!).
RAFAEL/JORGE: Hi, Joey, thanks for
QUESTION: We like this quote of yours from an FCBD Interview,
"Each book I do is a reaction to the one before it. They use things
I’ve learned from the previous experience, building on positives and negatives
that I see when analyzing the book I just completed." What did you learn
from "The Ride Home" that informed the Mermin series? And what are
you learning from Mermin, that's informing your next work?
Joey Weiser: The
Ride Home was
pretty straight-forward, following a single character from point A to B to
C. With my next book, Cavemen in Space, I played around with
having a big cast of characters and watching their storylines intersect. Mermin is
a little of both: There is one central
character, but the supporting characters have large roles, especially as the
series progresses.
The biggest difference in Mermin might be that it’s a series. I’m enjoying being able to spend a lot of
time developing the characters over multiple volumes, and learning a lot from
that experience, but I’m also looking forward to returning to a single-volume
graphic novel after I come to a stopping point with Mermin. I think I’ll try to
put as much character development, action, and fun into my next book as I can!
QUESTION (FROM JORGE): You went to Savannah College of Art &
Design. My nephew is going to start going there this Fall. What
advice do you have for young artists going to art school? What should
they be focus on while at school so they can make a living working in the arts
once they graduate?
Joey Weiser: I think that a lot of people know
that both your professors and your fellow students are great resources to learn
from and grow while in college. However,
I think it should be stressed that it’s up to YOU to push yourself as hard as
you can, make the decisions to take the hard classes that may seem like a pain
but will ultimately help you the most, and do the absolute best on your work
that you can.
What comic would
you recommend to a kid starting to read graphic novels today?
Joey Weiser: The first book that comes to mind
is Jeff Smith’s Bone. It’s absolutely one of my favorite comics of
all time, great for kids, and made me the cartoonist I am today.
QUESTION: What are you working on now?
Joey Weiser: I am
finishing up my next Mermin graphic
novel, Mermin Book 4: Into Atlantis. After the events of the last book, we get to
explore Atlantis, the other undersea kingdom besides Mer! Look for it this Fall!
that I do fairly regular work for SpongeBob
Comics, and other things here and there.
I’m also in the middle of a giant sketch project, Daily Dragon Ball,
where I am drawing just about every character from Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball in order of appearance. You can follow that at http://dailydragonball.tumblr.com/
QUESTION: What's on your nightstand?
Joey Weiser: I’ve just begun
reading Eiji Tsuburaya: Master of
Monsters, a biography/photo book of the man behind the special effects for
classic Japanese monster movies and television like Godzilla and Ultraman. I love that stuff!
Wait - there's more! Check out this schedule!
Monday, April 27
Cece Bell interviewed at Sturdy for Common Things
Cece Bell interviewed at Sturdy for Common Things
Tuesday, April 28
Kazu Kibuishi interviewed at Geek Dad
Kazu Kibuishi interviewed at Geek Dad
Wednesday, April 29
Joey Weiser interviewed at The Brain Lair
Joey Weiser interviewed at The Brain Lair
Thursday, April 30
James Kochalka interviewed at Bumbles & Fairy Tales
James Kochalka interviewed at Bumbles & Fairy Tales
Friday, May 1
Mariko Tamaki interviewed at A Book and a Latte
Mariko Tamaki interviewed at A Book and a Latte
Saturday, May 2
Jorge Aguirre interviewed at The Windy Pages
Jorge Aguirre interviewed at The Windy Pages
Sunday, May 3
Luke Pearson interviewed at Mr. Schu Reads
Luke Pearson interviewed at Mr. Schu Reads
Monday, May 4
Jeffrey Brown interviewed at For Books’ Sake
Jeffrey Brown interviewed at For Books’ Sake
Tuesday, May 5
Cecil Castellucci interviewed at WinterHaven Books
Cecil Castellucci interviewed at WinterHaven Books
Wednesday, May 6
Frank Cammuso interviewed at Reading with ABC
Frank Cammuso interviewed at Reading with ABC
Thursday, May 7
Hope Larson interviewed at The Book Wars
Hope Larson interviewed at The Book Wars
Friday, May 8
Eric Orchard interviewed at Alice Marvels
Eric Orchard interviewed at Alice Marvels
Saturday, May 9
Kean Soo interviewed at Jenuine Cupcakes
Kean Soo interviewed at Jenuine Cupcakes
Sunday, May 10
Dave Roman interviewed at Amy the Frog Queen
Dave Roman interviewed at Amy the Frog Queen
Monday, May 11
Gene Luen Yang interviewed at Finding Wonderland
Gene Luen Yang interviewed at Finding Wonderland
Tuesday, May 12
Nathan Hale interviewed at Kid Lit Frenzy
Nathan Hale interviewed at Kid Lit Frenzy
Wednesday, May 13
John Allison interviewed at Supernatural Snark
John Allison interviewed at Supernatural Snark
Thursday, May 14
Maris Wicks interviewed at The Roarbots
Maris Wicks interviewed at The Roarbots
Friday, May 15
Jenni and Matt Holm interviewed at The Busy Librarian
Jenni and Matt Holm interviewed at The Busy Librarian
Saturday, May 16
Craig Thompson interviewed at The Book Rat
Craig Thompson interviewed at The Book Rat
Sunday, May 17
Chris Schweizer interviewed at Panel Patter
Chris Schweizer interviewed at Panel Patter
Monday, May 18
Sara Varon interviewed at Sharp Read
Sara Varon interviewed at Sharp Read
Tuesday, May 19
David Rubin interviewed at Teen Lit Rocks
David Rubin interviewed at Teen Lit Rocks
Wednesday, May 20
Adventures in Cartooning interviewed at Word Spelunking
Adventures in Cartooning interviewed at Word Spelunking
Thursday, May 21
Mike Maihack interviewed at Bookish
Mike Maihack interviewed at Bookish
Friday, May 22
John Patrick Green interviewed at Haunted Orchid
John Patrick Green interviewed at Haunted Orchid
Saturday, May 23
Rafael Rosado interviewed at Shae Has Left the Room
Rafael Rosado interviewed at Shae Has Left the Room
Sunday, May 24
Faith Erin Hicks interviewed at Good Books and Good Wine
Faith Erin Hicks interviewed at Good Books and Good Wine
Monday, May 25
Dan Santat interviewed at Lib Laura 5
Dan Santat interviewed at Lib Laura 5
Tuesday, May 26
Andy Runton interviewed at The Hiding Spot
Andy Runton interviewed at The Hiding Spot
Wednesday, May 27
Colleen AF Venable interviewed at Graphic Policy
Colleen AF Venable interviewed at Graphic Policy
Thursday, May 28
Jay Hosler interviewed at My Bookish Ways
Jay Hosler interviewed at My Bookish Ways
Friday, May 29
Eleanor Davis interviewed at Love is Not a Triangle
Eleanor Davis interviewed at Love is Not a Triangle
Saturday, May 30
Ben Hatke interviewed at YA Bibliophile
Ben Hatke interviewed at YA Bibliophile