Friday, July 15, 2016

NerdCampMI - Recap

Kups for Kathy courtesy LB
NerdCampMI - Since the Summer of 2013, I've trekked to MI to attend NerdCamp! So proud to be a part of this group!

This year I couldn't wait to drive up on for the pre-game at Olive Garden with my Voxer pals and some friendly authors. Such great conversations are had during this visit!

The Voxers surprised me with Kups for Kathy (short version - I collect mugs, longer version - I told them I stole them)! I'll post them on Insta as I use each one!

The next day was the official start of nErDCampMI! We started the day with 6 NerdTalks from me, Teri Lesesne (author of Reading Ladders), Donalyn Miller (author of The Book Whisperer), Pernille Ripp (creator of Global Read Aloud), Raina Telgemeier (author of Smile), and surprise Kate DiCamillo (author of all the books)!!! Can you imagine how nervous I was! I was so happy to be first but very very nervous! Can't thank my friends enough for their continued encouragement and support.
NerdTalks courtesy Justin
Me and Debbie Ridpath Ohi courtesy Justin
On the first day, after the NerdTalks, there are several sessions you can attend. I decided to sit out the first session and relax with a cup of coffee. After all the sessions were over we went to the Nerdy Dinner where I met Tracey Baptiste!!!! Sadly, I did not take pictures or have someone take pictures but it was truly a dream come true.

On Day 2, people sign up to either teach something, learn something or collaborate on something.  One of my favorite sessions was with Tony Keefer. He shared with us the history of March Book Madness and we chose a theme and started gathering possible titles. It was such a fun time.

Throughout the 2 days there were author/illustrator signings and chatting. BookBug was there selling books! I picked up the Mitzi Tulane book and several others.

Like any great conference, the best part are the connections you make! It brings me joy to see my favorite voices in person. I  always have fun hanging with this crazy crew and hope we find more times to be together.
The Voxers! courtesy Justin


  1. So great to meet you at nErDcamp, Kathy! And thank you for the inspiring keynote!!

  2. Kathy, I loved your talk! It was so inspiring and of course, you won me over by mentioning Gilmore Girls. As always, it was wonderful to see you. :)

  3. Looks like loads of fun! What did you talk about in your presentation?


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